Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Three Product Reviews

I have been meaning to post about some gluten free products, some good, some not so good.  First with the good!

Glutino Crackers - These are really good!  Most GF crackers are extremely crispy, too much so!  These are like Saltines, only with much less salt.  Good stuff!

                              Click HERE to see the website information

Enjoy Life Chewy on the Go Bars - Cocoa Loco -  Words cannot describe how disgusting these were.  Dry as a bone with almost no flavor!  I was sucked in by the chocolate.  Ha!  I am not returning these basically because they are easy to carry around in the car and something I can eat, providing there is enough water to wash down, while out and about. 

                                   Click HERE for website
Barbara's Gluten Free Puffins Cereal - This is an interesting cereal and is surely a nice change from Chex.  They are a little sweet for me, but a nice change still.  The cereal stays pretty crunchy in milk but has a slightly bitter aftertaste.  If you remember arrowroot cookies, that's what these taste like!

                       Click HERE for website              


  1. My favorite cereal is Envirokids Amazon flakes. They are corn flakes with a touch of honey. I also smash them up and use them in meatballs. :)

    I think I'll try the crackers. Thanks for the tip.

  2. I LOVE BARBARA'S cereal. I also love Kashi Go Lean Crunch. Yummy.
